What is New York City Community Peace Patrol Officers (NYCCPPO)?
New York City Community Peace Patrol Officers, or NYCCPPO as it is commonly referred to, is organized group of citizens who volunteer their time to patrol their neighborhoods. They act as additional “eyes and ears”, for their local police officers. They use NYCCPPO patrol cars and their own vehicles with signs that identify them as CPPOs.

What is the purpose?
The New York City Community Peace Patrol Officers program is a very effective Crime Prevention tool for all communities. The presence of NYCCPPOs acts as a deterrent to crime. In fact, the majority of volunteer community patrols has drastically reduced crime in their neighborhoods and eliminated the suspicious activity associated with crime, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life in the community.

Think about it, if you were a criminal, would you go to a community where people are patrolling. Most of the neighborhoods post NYCCPPO street signs at all entrances, advertising their patrol. Having a patrol sends a strong message that residents care about their community and are united. Forming a patrol tends to draw a community closer together, opens new lines of communication, and forms long term partnerships and friendships. Knowing who belongs in the neighborhood is crucial in deterring crime.

Who can have New York City Community Peace Patrol Officers (NYCCPPO)?
Any community or neighborhood can organize a NYCCPPO Zone. You can do it with as few as twelve members.

How does a NYCCPPO operate?
NYCCPPOs are organized in zones. Patrol groups, under the leadership of NYPD trained NYCCPPO captains, utilize foot patrol or their personal cars and have radios or cell phones to communicate with the police. One method of patrolling utilizes 3 persons: 2 in the car, a driver and an observer while the third person remains at home with a radio. This is referred to as a Base Station. If the patroller spots something, they radio the Base Station, who then calls 911. Another option is the use of cellular telephones. This allows patrollers to call 911 directly. Some groups utilize both. Many groups also have daylight patrols and utilize people who regularly walk and bike for exercise.

How are these NYCCPPO Zone patrols financed?
Operating expenses come from donations and politicians and grants. A cellular phone operation can be implemented and is a very inexpensive method to operate as a NYCCPPO.

How often does a group patrol?
Some groups have a patrol out as often as 7 days and nights each week. The majority patrol just 2-4 days with a varied schedule. This is done so no one can pinpoint their routine. A patrol should be tailored to fit the needs of the community and its members. Crime trends and statistical information provided by the precinct Community Outreach Team can assist groups in creating a schedule.

Is there a right or wrong time to patrol? No, criminals are opportunists and are simply waiting. Being out and visible in the community is the best deterrent to crime.

Are there particular types of neighborhoods that do not need a patrol?
No. Many of our patrols are in very stable and established communities. They form patrols to keep their streets safe and problems out. The reality is that all communities need some sort of crime prevention mechanism in place.

How do you start a NYCCPPO Zone?
The first step is to set up a community meeting to discuss the needs of the community. Many groups use the prospect of a future NYCCPPO, or general crime prevention, as a topic for one of their regular association meetings. Contact and invite a Community Outreach Officer from your local Precinct, who will attend and explain the program. Recruit and sign up volunteers every chance you get. The key is to create a schedule that is flexible and convenient for your patrollers. Don’t become regimented with a specific schedule. Flex and change your hours and routine. This creates a problem for criminals because they won’t know when you are out.

Letting members sign up on a calendar is a simple and organized method to schedule patrollers. Once you have established a group of volunteers, contact your NYCCPPO Zone captain and coordinate a training session.

Is being part of Community Peace Patrol dangerous?
No. NYCCPPO patrollers are observers only. They report criminal and suspicious activity or needs for emergency assistance to the police. They are not vigilantes. They do not carry weapons, or confront persons engaged in criminal or suspicious activity.

Any person who attacks or causes harm to a NYCCPPO volunteer will face the resources of the community and the weight of the law.

Participate in Crime Prevention Programs with your NYCCPPO captains to create a safer and more secure community. _____________________________________________________________________

For all inquiries about NYCCPPO activities, please contact New York Peace Coalition at: info@peacepatrol.org. or write to us at: New York Peace Coalition, 2006 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, New York 10462. www.newyorkpeacecoalition.org

New York City Community Peace Patrol Officers (NYCCPPO) is part of New York Peace Coalition. The above language is copied from Baltimore’s Citizens Patrol.