Captain Matthew Harrington
Crime Statistics
116 Main Street, Tottenville, NY, 10307-1227
(718) 948-9311
The 123rd Precinct is located on the south shore of Staten Island. Much of the command consists of one or two family housing with many townhouses and condominium developments. There are numerous strip-mall shopping centers throughout the command as well as several State and City Parks.
Contact Information
Precinct: (718) 948-9311
Community Affairs: (718) 948-9334
Community Policing: (718) 948-9306
Crime Prevention: (718) 948-8876
Domestic Violence: (718) 948-5970
Youth Officer: (718) 948-9319
Auxiliary Coordinator: (718) 948-5277
Detective Squad:(718) 948-6801
Community Council
President: Robert Kirshbaum
Meetings: The 123rd Precinct council meets at 7:30 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at various locations throughout the 123rd Precinct. E-mail the council at